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A genuinely crafted event for the global footwear industry, Gateway to Africa
The internationally-acclaimed company of the trade fair industry, CNR Holding, welcomes leading companies of the footwear and leathercraft industry in Africa, with which the whole world endeavors to cultivate trade relations.

The largest trade platform set to be organized in the continent, Gateway
to Africa – Shoes & Leather Exhibition, allows a new business entry into the footwear industry.
One of the world’s highly-accomplished industries with its manufacturing capacity of around 500
million pairs of shoes, the footwear industry reflects its potential to Africa.
Taking place in Rwanda, the heartbeat of Africa, the exhibition provides exhibiting companies with a
chance to establish direct contacts with the buyers on the same platform. Doing business or
intending to do business with Rwanda and Africa, domestic and international footwear
manufacturers devote enormous attention to Gateway to Africa Exhibitions organized by CNR.
Contact us to carve out a niche in the global market with the great contribution of Gateway to Africa
- Shoes & Leather Exhibition to seizing excellent business opportunities.